Anjea on Substack
If you’ve been following Anjea as an email subscriber or through the website then you know my Slogs, my stories, are as much about my peculiar view of the world as they are about sailing, travel or philosophy.
The move to Substack
Although many of you respond by email only a few prefer to engage by commenting on my Slogs. I’m hoping that Substack will provide a friendlier, easier to use, and more lively place for us to engage.
So comment: like, hate, disagree…
If a post engages you then tell me, please! If you are like me then you love reading what others have to say about a post. If not, then just enjoy it for what it is.
Me at dawn, after a long overnight watch. Under all that wild hair lives a half-crazed brain that I’m trying to cajole into framing and answering some important questions. For example, why do t-shirts have to be the other way round?
In time, I will move all the old Slogs here so it becomes a reasonably complete archive.